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Teaching Experience


Spring 2024


ECI 721: Technology and Informal Learning Environments (Online)

Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences, North Carolina State University


Survey of theory and research grounding popular informal after-school technology environments such as computer clubhouses, music studios, video clubs, coding camps, robotics clubs, and makerspaces. This course will explore how we can make and study design decisions of learning environments and educational technologies that have impacts on particular learning outcomes. Examination of strategies for planning experiential, hands-on activities supportive of informal learning, sourcing necessary materials, outfitting spaces, facilitating student design and collaboration, and engaging the community and other resources to sustain facilities/clubs.

2017 - 2018

Associate Instructor (teaching evaluation scores: 4.4/4.5 points) 

P251: Educational Psychology of Elementary School Majors (Online)

Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington.​

Designed online curriculums, modules, and assessments via Canvas to teach pre-service teachers varied educational psychology and learning theories.

2017 - 2018

Associate Instructor (teaching evaluation scores: 4.4/4.5 points) 

M101: Field Experience for Elementary School Majors (Online), Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington.

Scaffolded students to apply learning theories and educational psychology constructs in teaching.

2016 - 2017

Associate Instructor (teaching evaluation scores: 4.32/4.5 points) 

P251: Educational Psychology of Elementary School Majors, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington.

Created course materials and designed curriculums to teach pre-service teachers varied educational psychology and learning theories.

2016 - 2017

Associate Instructor (teaching evaluation scores: 4.32/4.5 points) 

M101: Field Experience for Elementary School Majors, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington.

Coached students to connect learning theories and educational psychology constructs in teaching.




Teaching Assistant

IN4MATX 148: Ubiquitous Computing, Department of Informatics, UC Irvine

Co-designed the course activities by applying Internet of Things (IoT) kits to teach 200+ undergraduate students. Developed systematic solutions to support IoT learning with Blynk IoT app. 


Teaching Assistant

EDUC 218/IN4MATX 295: Arts, Making, and Engineering, School of Education, Department of Informatics, UC Irvine

Designed and structured the course agenda, readings, assignments in relation to the construct of arts, making, and engineering. Developed and led lab and classroom activities on IoT kits, e-textile, paper and tangible circuits for graduate students. 

2017 - 2018

Teaching Assistant

G202: Business, Government, and Society, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington

Evaluated students’ case studies and course assignments based on the social strategy case studies from Harvard Business School (HBS). Improved the course assessment to better evaluate students’ learning.


Work Experience

2015 - 2019

3D Printing and Design Lead Intern

Center of Excellence for Women and Technology (CEW&T), Indiana University Bloomington


Led a team to design and develop additive manufacturing training modules and workshop programs. Taught 50+ additive manufacturing workshops to faculty, student, and staff at Indiana University and youth in K-12 after-school programs.

2012 - 2013

Data Analyst

Inteplast Group, LTD. 


Analyzed manufacturing process data and sample testing results to improve manufacturing production. Utilized statistical process control (SPC) (i.e., QI Macros, Minitab) to monitor and advance manufacturing process.

Work Experience
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