Talks & Presentations
Invited Talks & PresentationsÂ

January, 2021
Guest speaker on the topic of Designing and Developing a Mixed Reality (XR) Platform for Learning and Workforce Training for Digital Learning Lab directed by Mark Warschauer, University of California, Irvine, School of Education.
February, 2020
Guest speaker on the topic of Ed Tech: Measuring Computational thinking Practices for 21st Century Literacies course by Dr. Fernando Rodriguez, University of California, Irvine, School of Education.
November, 2019
Guest lecture for Data Visualization in Education graduate-level course by Dr. Shiyan Jiang, North Carolina State University, Program of Learning Design and Technology.
October, 2018
Guest Lecture for Introduction to Informatics (honors course), Indiana University Bloomington, School of Informatics
October, 2017
Guest Speaker on the topic of 3D Printing and Design for Graduate Women in Technology (GWiT), Indiana University Bloomington.
Spring & Fall 2017-2018; Spring 2019
Guest lecture for Management Information Systems undergraduate-level course by Dr. Taryn Malher & Dr. Frank Akaiwa, Indiana University Bloomington, School of Business.
Conference Presentations, Workshops, & Poster

Han, A., Huang, J., Villanueva, A., Peppler, K., Liu, Z., Zhu, Z., Ramani, K. (April 13-16, 2023). IoT Props Into Creative Writing: Designing Narrative-Based Maker Activities for Children [Poster Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IN, United States.
Ojeda Ramirez, S., Cawelti, L., Huang, J., Telfer-Radzat, K., & Peppler, K. (April 13-16, 2023). “I know a lot more boys that are interested in doing stuff like that”: Gendered Perceptions of Computational Construction Kits [Conference Roundtable Session] Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IN, United States.
Cawelti, L., Huang, J., Ojeda Ramirez, S., Telfer-Radzat, K., & Peppler, K. (April 13-16, 2023). Exploring Interdisciplinary STEAM Practices through Making a Kinetic Sculpture [Conference Paper Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IN, United States.
Huang, J., Schindler, E., Peppler, K. (July 27-29, 2022). Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Connected Learning. Paper presented at the Connected Learning Summit (CLS), Online Conference.
Keune, A., Bermúdez, D. V., Dahn, M., Huang, J., Peppler, K. (July 27-29, 2022). Creating a Doll Skirt or a Basket: Performing Proportional Reasoning and Spatial Visualization. Workshop presented at the Connected Learning Summit (CLS), Online Conference.
Huang, J. (July 7-30, 2021). Understanding Collaborative Computational Thinking. Connected Learning Summit (CLS), Online Conference.
Phonethibsavads, A., Huang, J. (October, 2019). A Comparison of Goal-Directed Interactions in Improv Performance and Collaborative Problem-Solving. Poster presented at the Connected Learning Summit (CLS), Irvine, CA, U.S.A.
Huang, J. (October, 2019). Studying Computational Thinking through Collaborative Design Activities. Paper presented at the Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference (LSGSA), Evanston, IL, U.S.A.
Huang, J. (April, 2019). Studying Collaborative Practices to Enhance Equity in Computer Science Literacy and Education. In Panel: Designing for Design: Creating Learning Environments that Support Equitable Engineering for Students in Grades 3-8. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
Huang, J., Hung, J.-H. R., Priscilla, C. (March, 2019). Women in Technology: Utilizing a Text-Mining Technique to Conduct a Literature Review. Paper presented at the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology Summit conference, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Huang, J., Upadhyay, S. (March, 2019). Studying Computational Thinking Through Collaborative Design Activities with Scratch. Paper presented at the Instructional Systems Technology Conference, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Huang, J., Weber, M., Zhang, C. (March, 2019). Introduction of 3D Printing and Design. Workshop presented at the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology Summit conference, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A
Huang, J. (October, 2018). Exploring Computational Thinking Practices of Expert and Novice Users through Analyses of Computer-Mediated Discourse in the Scratch Online Community. Paper presented at the Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference (LSGSA), Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Huang, J. (April, 2018). Exploring Computer-Mediated Discourse in the Scratch Online Community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY, U.S.A.
Huang, J. (March, 2018). Collaborative Programming: Designing to Support Collaboration in Scratch. Paper presented at the InfoSocial Conference at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, U.S.
Huang, J., Liu, X. (March, 2018). 3D Printing for Everyone. Workshop presented at the Center of Excellence for Women in Technology Summit, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Huang, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Jordan, R., Frensley, T., Gray, S., Newman, G. (April, 2017). Exploring Citizen Science Engagement in Collaborative Scientific Practices. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
Frensley, T., Gray, S., Huang, J., Jordan., R. (May, 2017). Designing Collaborative Science Projects and Tools for Conservation. Symposium in Citizen Science Association (CSA) CitSci Conference, St. Paul, MI, U.S.A.
Huang, J. & Duncan, S. C. (April, 2016). Anonymous Spaces and Non-Anonymous Participation: Understanding Role and Structure Within an Affinity Space. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC., U.S.A.
Huang, J. (June, 2016). Computational Thinking in Practice: Understanding How Scratch is Perceived and Used in Taiwan and the United States. Workshop presented at the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Singapore.
Duncan, S. C. & Huang, J. (October, 2015). Connecting badges: Exploring the utility of digital badges for learning in affinity spaces. Presented at Internet Research 16, Phoenix, Arizona.
Duncan, S. C., Huang, J., Georgen, C. & Cook, L. (June, 2015). Investigating recognition systems in a collaborative, programming-oriented affinity space. Poster presented at Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Göteborg, Sweden.
Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Jordan, R. C., Novak, W.E. Huang, C.J., Mellor, D., Gray, S., Crall, A., Newman, G. (June, 2015). Engaging Citizen Scientists in Model-based Reasoning. Poster presented at Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Göteborg, Sweden.
Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Jordan, R. C., Novak, W.E. Huang, C.J., Mellor, D., Gray, S., Crall, A., Newman, G. (February, 2015). Engaging Citizen Scientists in Model-based Reasoning. Paper presented at Citizen Science Association Conference, San Jose, CA, U.S.A.
Duncan, S. C., Huang, J., Georgen, C., Cook, L. (October, 2014). Connecting badges and interactional practices in online affinity spaces. Invited poster session, Indiana University School of Education "First Fridays" poster session for Center for Research on Learning & Technology, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Duncan, S. C., Huang, J., & Georgen, C. (March, 2014). Connecting badges and online expertise. Presented at Digital Media & Learning 2014, Boston, MA, U.S.A.